We’re very pleased to announce that we’ve hired Rebecca Onion as the new Assistant THATCamp Coordinator. As her website will tell you, Rebecca is “a Ph.D candidate in the Department of American Studies at the University of Texas at Austin, with research interests including the history of childhood and youth, cultures of science and technology, environmental studies, and visual and material culture.” She’s on Twitter at @rebeccaonion.
Starting in May, Rebecca will be revising our THATCamp help documents, producing new help documents, and adding help documents in new formats (PDFs! epubs! video!). This project to make sure we have useful and complete information for THATCamp organizers, participants, sponsors, and friends will be particularly important as we embark on a major redesign of thatcamp.org this summer (forums! groups! user profiles! cross-THATCamp searching and browsing! cross-THATCamp activity streams!). Later on, Rebecca will help us support ongoing THATCamps and may help us find, preserve, and make accessible older THATCamp content circa 2008-2011.
Welcome, Rebecca!
Good luck Rebecca in your new post.