William Cowan wrote a new post, Talk Session: Digital Video in Research and Teaching, on the site THATCamp Digital Humanities & Libraries 2013 right now
I am interested in discussing the use of digital video in research and teaching. I believe that the current options available for digital video on the web do not meet the needs of researchers and instructors. for […]
William Cowan wrote a new post, What is Omeka and how can I use it?, on the site THATCamp Oral History Association 2012 right now
According to the Omeka web site:
Omeka is a free, flexible, and open source web-publishing platform for the display of library, museum, archives, and scholarly collections and exhibitions. Its “five-minute […]
William Cowan wrote a new post, How to use digital video with Omeka, on the site THATCamp Oral History Association 2012 right now
I believe that playing back digital video on the web presents a special set issues for scholars, content managers and technologists that are not often addressed in commercial products and on websites, such as […]
William Cowan wrote a new post, Using Video Annotation and Omeka in the Classroom, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2012 right now
I am proposing a session to discuss using segmented and annotated video in the classroom. Through a NEH Office of Digital Humanities grant, I have built an Omeka plugin that takes the output of the Annotator’s […]
William Cowan wrote a new post, A Digital Video Segmentation and Annotation Plugin for Omeka, on the site THATCamp Virginia 2012 right now
As part of an NEH ODH grant, I am developing a video segmentation and annotation plugin for Omeka that will enable academic and cultural institutions and individuals to incorporate annotated video into online […]
William Cowan commented on the post, Dork Shorts archive, on the site THATCamp Southeast 2012 right now
We don’t have a publicly accessible web site for the video segmentation tool but I can give you the link to the Indiana University and Temple University Presses’ public website http://ethnomultimedia.org/.
William Cowan wrote a new post, Digital Video, Annotator's Workbench, Omeka, segmentation and annotations, on the site THATCamp Southeast 2012 right now
As someone called me, I’m “the guy in the green shirt” that talked about the online video segmentation tool at Dork Shorts. If anyone is interested in more discussion, demos, etc. about working with video […]
William Cowan commented on the post, Elle, Edmonde Charles-Roux. The role of biographers, fashion and Coco Chanel, on the site THATCamp Southeast 2012 right now
An idea I have had is related to video. I’m interested in using Omeka for segmented and annotated video. I thought a good project or class would be to get some of the cheap digital video cameras, train folks on […]
William Cowan wrote a new post, Adding Video Segments and Annotations to Omeka, on the site THATCamp Southeast 2012 right now
William Cowan commented on the post, Dinner Tonight at India Oven! You in?, on the site THATCamp Columbus 2010 right now
I’m in.
William Cowan commented on the post, Synchronicity: Merging Text with Audio/Video Components of Oral History Online, on the site THATCamp Columbus 2010 right now
The Ethnograhic Video for Instruction and Analysis project at Indiana University developed a set of tools to segment and annotate digital video from the field videos of ethnographers. One feature of this […]
William Cowan commented on the post, Digital Video Scholarship, on the site THATCamp Columbus 2010 right now
Anne, For the Ethnographic Video for Instruction and Analysis project, having the annotated video taken as a serious academic work was very important. As part of that process, we developed a peer review mode for […]
William Cowan commented on the post, Digital Video Scholarship, on the site THATCamp Columbus 2010 right now
The Annotator’s Workbench is not yet open source but will soon be. I have to finish the documentation and get the paperwork done at IU to make it so. It will probably be available on SourceForge or something […]
William Cowan commented on the post, Digital Video Scholarship, on the site THATCamp Columbus 2010 right now
I definitely see cross over for these issues with lots of other areas of study beyond field work. Another project I am currently working with is called AHEYM. In this project, they have collected video interviews […]
William Cowan wrote a new post, What is Omeka and how can I use it?, on the site THATCamp Oral History Association 2012 right now
William Cowan wrote a new post, What is Omeka and how can I use it?, on the site THATCamp Oral History Association 2012 right now
William Cowan
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