william wrote a new post, Session Proposal: Working With Students Who Have Low Technology Skills, on the site THATCamp Philly 2011 right now
I will propose a session on how to work with technology in the classroom when dealing with students who have low tech skills, which is a big concern of mine heading into fall 2011. How do you handle students who […]
william commented on the post, It's awn! Introducing THATCamp Historic Places, on the site THATCamp Jersey Shore 2011 right now
I think this sounds like a very interesting idea for discussion. A lot of these issues are coming up in my own classes as well.
william wrote a new post, Using Wikis In The Classroom, on the site THATCamp Jersey Shore 2011 right now
Hello To Some Old Friends and Hopefully New Ones,
What I propose is a discussion of the use of wikis as a CMS. After having previously used Wordpress to create classroom blogs (example: <a […]
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