vfhwebdev wrote a new post, Presenting the Digital Humanities On the Web, on the site THATCamp Virginia 2010 right now
I’m interested in a conversation about how to present the digital humanities and scholarly projects on the web and where that intersects with user centered design. Possible topics of conversation could […]
vfhwebdev commented on the post, It's a user-generated world . . ., on the site THATCamp Virginia 2010 right now
+1 I’d join this session.
vfhwebdev commented on the post, Mobile Media Culture, on the site THATCamp Virginia 2010 right now
+1 for me. I’m very interested in this topic.
vfhwebdev commented on the post, WordPress Theme Hackery, on the site THATCamp Virginia 2010 right now
Looks like a great session. Would love to join this one.
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