travis.kirspel wrote a new post, Reflections on My First THATCamp, on the site THATCamp Jersey Shore 2011 right now
travis.kirspel wrote a new post, A Gentle Nudge in a Digital Direction…, on the site THATCamp Jersey Shore 2011 right now
travis.kirspel commented on the post, Preservation and Presentation of Digitized Collections, on the site THATCamp Jersey Shore 2011 right now
This sounds like a great topic that I’d be interested in joining in on. I recently came on with Delaware’s Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs and one of my tasks is to revive the Johnson Victrola Museum […]
travis.kirspel commented on the post, Thinking With and About Games:Proposal for a Convo @THATCamp JerseyShore, on the site THATCamp Jersey Shore 2011 right now
This could be really interesting. I’m honestly a bit intimidated as someone who hasn’t had much engagement with video games since the original Sega, but I definitely see the potential for it. I remember Sandra Day […]
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