tomasek_kathryn wrote a new post, Dork Shorts URLs, on the site THATCamp AHA 2014 right now
Ashley Young, Duke University: Digital Tools Bootcamp
Cameron Blevins, Stanford University: Geography of the Past credits his colleague @jaheppler
Irene Meisel, CUNY Grad Center: online historical role-play […]
tomasek_kathryn edited a notepad Dork Shorts #THATCamp #AHA2014 on the site THATCamp AHA 2014 right now
tomasek_kathryn wrote a new post, Workshop Preview–Omeka, on the site THATCamp AHA 2014 right now
Patrick Murray-John, Research Assistant Professor at the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media at George Mason University, has agreed to offer an Omeka workshop at THATCamp AHA2014. Thanks, […]
tomasek_kathryn wrote a new post, Workshop Preview–Data Analysis for Historians, on the site THATCamp AHA 2014 right now
Lincoln Mullen, a Ph.D. candidate at Brandeis University, has agreed to repeat the hands-on workshop on using statistical programs to analyze data sets relevant to humanities scholars that he offered at AAR in […]
tomasek_kathryn wrote a new post, Location, Location, Location, on the site THATCamp AHA 2014 right now
THATCamp AHA will be held at the Omni Shoreham, 2500 Calvert Street NW (at Connecticut Ave.), Washington, District of Columbia 20008.
We will convene in the Executive Room at 9 a.m. on Sunday, January 5, for […]
tomasek_kathryn wrote a new post, Propose a Session for THATCamp AHA 2014, on the site THATCamp AHA 2014 right now
As an unconference, THATCamp relies on participants to propose sessions, lead them, and make the whole experience enjoyable and useful for everyone. When you register, you write a short blurb about why you are […]
tomasek_kathryn wrote a new post, Registration for #THATCampAHA Is Now Open, on the site THATCamp AHA 2014 right now
Before you make your travel plans for the AHA Annual Meeting in Washington, DC, be sure to register for THATCampAHA 2014.
This year’s THATCamp will be held on the final day of the meeting rather than before it […]
tomasek_kathryn wrote a new post, Announcing THATCampAHA 2014, on the site THATCamp AHA 2014 right now
THATCampAHA 2014 will be held on Sunday, January 5, 2014.
We have space, a (minimalist) website, and a fabulous community of practice who are looking forward to the third iteration of THATCamp […]
tomasek_kathryn wrote a new post, Integrate Omeka Repository into WordPress Site, on the site THATCamp New England 2013 right now
At THATCamp Prime this summer, I considered entering the Maker Challenge with this very problem. Four months later, I’m still working on it, so why not try again?
During DorkShorts on Saturday, I’ll present […]
tomasek_kathryn wrote a new post, a product from the undergrad curriculum workshop!, on the site THATCamp New England 2012 right now
Thanks to Julie Swierczek, we have a helpful list of transcription software (since much of our discussion focused on the value of transcription for undergrads):
Davidson College transcription process
<a […]
tomasek_kathryn wrote a new post, Preparing for Workshop on Integrating DH into the Undergrad Curriculum, on the site THATCamp New England 2012 right now
Folks who are interested in this workshop might want to have a look at the bibliography on our wiki. Just visit the site and request access.
On Friday, you’ll want to bring a laptop and an idea for a project […]
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