tdodson wrote a new post, Proposed Session: DIY Ebook, on the site THATCamp Libraries 2013 right now
As tech-savvy library folk, ebooks are naturally of direct professional relevance to us, and it can’t hurt to undertand a little more about how they are produced
I’ve been making eBooks for a few years and […]
tdodson commented on the post, Lightning Presentations (AKA Dork Shorts), on the site THATCamp New England 2011 right now
I’d like to present on Yana, an open source template for scholarly and literary journals to develop mobile applications.
Here is a shortened URL: http://hvrd.me/qQPVIW.
tdodson commented on the post, Best Practices and New Ideas for Open-Access Publications, on the site THATCamp New England 2011 right now
I would be very interested in this session. A few months ago I launched an open access arts & literature journal, Printer’s Devil Review(http://pdrjournal.org). I started using OJS but ended up finding it too […]
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