S Weldon wrote a new post, Request: Teach session on Topic modeling, on the site THATCamp HSS 2016 right now
This came in from Erik Peterson:
What I want to do, I think, is called “topic modeling.” I saw one demonstration using Zotero’s stand-alone app (not the Firefox plugin) and the Papermachines plug-in. I want […]
S Weldon wrote a new post, Make session: Registry of Digital Projects in History of Science, on the site THATCamp HSS 2016 right now
As current chair of the Technology and Communication Commission, I propose that we brainstorm as a group and come up with a list of digital projects in the discipline. This will have two uses: First, we’ll use it […]
S Weldon wrote a new post, Session Proposals to 10/30/2014, on the site THATCamp HSS 2014 right now
ERICK PEIRSON — MAKE session — Establish HSS Interest Group for Digital History of Science
I propose a MAKE session to start establishing a special interest group for Digital History of Science. A […]
S Weldon wrote a new post, TALK session — Building the IsisCB Platform, on the site THATCamp HSS 2014 right now
I propose a session explaining the thrust behind the IsisCB Platform being developed at the University of Oklahoma in collaboration with the University of Melbourne and Indiana University. After six months we have […]
S Weldon wrote a new post, Directions to THATCamp HSS 2014, on the site THATCamp HSS 2014 right now
S Weldon commented on the post, Session proposal (Make): Digital History of Science special interest group?, on the site THATCamp HSS 2014 right now
I like this idea and will suggest that we follow this up. I am sure that HSS would be receptive creating an interest group in digital history of science. I know that scholarly interest in this area is building […]
S Weldon wrote a new post, Registration is now open, on the site THATCamp HSS 2014 right now
Registration for THATCamp HSS 2014 is now open!
We would like to invite historians and technologists of all skill levels interested in digital humanities to THATCamp HSS 2014. The Humanities and Technology […]
S Weldon and
sylwester ratowt are now friends right now
S Weldon wrote a new post, THATCamp HSS 2019 Utrecht!, on the site THATCamp HSS 2019 right now
We are excited to be able to offer two afternoons of THATCamp at HSS this year. THATCamp will take place on Thursday July 25 and Friday July 26, from 1:30-6pm, with a coffee break at 3:30-4pm. We hope in splitting […]
S Weldon wrote a new post, Welcome to THATCamp HSS 2018!, on the site THATCamp HSS 2018 right now
THATCamp HSS 2018 will take place at the Central Library of the Seattle Public Library, a short walk from the History of Science Society’s Annual Conference. We encourage anyone attending the HSS meeting to come […]
S Weldon wrote a new post, THATCampHSS 2017 — Toronto, on the site THATCampHSS 2017 right now
The History of Science Society (HSS) is sponsoring its 4th annual THATCamp (The Humanities And Technology Camp) on Sunday, November 12 from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm for anyone either doing or considering a project […]
S Weldon wrote a new post, THATCampHSS 2016 in Atlanta!, on the site THATCamp HSS 2016 right now
Digital Historians and anyone interested doing a digital project, the HSS is sponsoring its 3rd annual THATCampHSS.
Sunday, November 6, at the HSS Conference Hotel — the Westin Peachtree in downtown […]
S Weldon
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