sramsay wrote a new post, API Slam, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2011 right now
I attended the google maps talk at the bootcamp this afternoon. As usual, the presenter (Mano Marks, Google Senior Geo Developer Advocate) mentioned several new tools, including Fusion Tables. That got me […]
sramsay commented on the post, All Courseware Sucks, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2010 right now
“Building a better x”, where ‘x’ is Blackboard or any other platform, usually ends up being an exercise in futility, where you develop a new system that is only slightly less crappy than the one it was modeled […]
sramsay wrote a new post, All Courseware Sucks, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2010 right now
Really. All of it. I think Blackboard is one of the most poorly designed systems ever built for the Web, and I’m rarely challenged on that opinion. Problem is, even the good ones (Moodle, Sakai) […]
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