shermandorn wrote a new post, Six degrees of Thomas Kuhn, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2009 right now
The recent PLoS ONE article on interdisciplinary connections in science made me wish instantly for a way to map citation links between individuals at my institution.
So the authors of the article looked for […]
shermandorn wrote a new post, Context & Connections notes, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2009 right now
The following are my raw notes on the Saturday morning “Context and Connections” session. Assume that unless otherwise noted, they are paraphrases of comments made by participants (either labeled or not). It began […]
shermandorn commented on the post, Teaching Digital Archival and Publishing Skills, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2009 right now
I agree with Jeff on the direction of this, with a suggestion: the editing of prior student work doesn’t have to be “for credit” to serve the function of seeing in-process work and improving on it. OR… they can […]
shermandorn commented on the post, Visual Thinking & Tools Discussion, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2009 right now
I agree with Brooke: the mind-map/conceptual-map idea is interesting in theory, but the tools are too clunky for my lazy fingers, and I’m not sure it’s exactly the way my brain would map things.
shermandorn commented on the post, Disciplinary Heresies and the Digital Humanities, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2009 right now
At one level, digital humanities will probably go the way of history departments that began accommodating quantitative research (including recognition in T&P), esp. after the development of quantitative social […]
shermandorn commented on the post, Context and connections, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2009 right now
Maybe one way to start thinking about this is to imagine something like Diigo’s social annotation system, except with easy links to other (socially annotated/annotatable) materials, both primary and secondary. I […]
shermandorn commented on the post, The ill-formed question, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2009 right now
Sterling — great point! The think-on-your-feet dynamic may *not* be the epitome of higher education. So… what do you think about my proposition on the “ill-formed question” as a way to think more broadly?
shermandorn commented on the post, Dorn proposal for 2009 THATCamp, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2009 right now
You’re absolutely right that if we *can* have live interaction, we should. Unfortunately, in lots of institutional settings that’s very difficult because of various assumptions built around online […]
shermandorn commented on the post, Dorn proposal for 2009 THATCamp, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2009 right now
Sterling and Larry,
Thanks for commenting! Sterling: I wish my students were so engaged, but it’s my responsibility to teach students whether or not they can upload to Youtube!
Larry: there are no guarantees in […]
shermandorn wrote a new post, The ill-formed question, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2009 right now
Since sending in the brief blurb for THATCamp I’ve gone through the latest edition of McKeachie’s Teaching Tips book and spent some time pondering what’s necessary to make a seminar work. In some ways this is […]
shermandorn wrote a new post, Dorn proposal for 2009 THATCamp, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2009 right now
For the record, below is what I proposed for THATCamp. Since I wrote the following months ago, I’ve had additional thoughts on where to go with this, but origins and drafts matter, so here it is, warts and […]
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