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Sherman Dorn edited a notepad Share ideas about PressBooks on the site THATCamp Center for History and New Media 2013 (aka THATCamp Prime) right now
Sherman Dorn commented on the post, R for humanists, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2013 right now
I wish I could be at THATCamp Prime this year, but since I can’t, I’ll at least contribute a suggestion: use RStudio (http://www.rstudio.com/ ) as the integrated development environment. It’s the best I’ve used in […]
Sherman Dorn commented on the post, Disruptive Pedagogy Meets Procedural Rhetoric, on the site THATCamp Florida 2013 right now
Editable set of notes/Google Doc: http://tinyurl.com/DPmPRSmackdown
Sherman Dorn commented on the post, Mobile Application for Humanities Research (MAFHR), on the site THATCamp Florida 2013 right now
Collective notes are at http://tinyurl.com/cq7b6dg
Sherman Dorn wrote a new post, Disruptive Pedagogy Meets Procedural Rhetoric, on the site THATCamp Florida 2013 right now
Okay, the title must look like a horrible Hollywood-style “high concept” description of … well, something. Something awful, probably. Or something fun.
I hope the latter. Can we play with the core ideas of […]
Sherman Dorn commented on the post, Working Goals, on the site THATCamp Diversity right now
Specific goal: participation in regional THATCamps of at least one representative of a local heritage site.
Sherman Dorn wrote a new post, Digital humanities to the rescue on reductive assessment?, on the site THATCamp Southeast 2011 right now
The DH & Assessment session Saturday afternoon started with the usual mini-rants about our regional accreditor and reductionist assessment and turned into an “oh, wow, here’s a tool for this” discussion. The core […]
Sherman Dorn wrote a new post, Game session notes, on the site THATCamp Southeast 2011 right now
Game session notes (editable version). Static below:
Jane McGonigal, Reality is Broken — game definition:Goal
Voluntary entry!–more–Existing examples of game discussion in […]
Sherman Dorn commented on the post, Tools and Techniques for Dealing with Digital Traces, on the site THATCamp Southeast 2011 right now
I know this is also an idea floating around the Instructional Technology field. What to do with it is an interesting question, of course…
Sherman Dorn commented on the post, Transportation to/from airport, on the site THATCamp Southeast 2011 right now
I’m intending to take MARTA to Lindbergh NE and taxi from there. I’m probably crazy…
Sherman Dorn wrote a new post, Add points to gamify? My concerns…, on the site THATCamp Southeast 2011 right now
Anastasia Salter’s guest post on ProfHacker talks about “gamifying” a course by adding various plug-ins to existing packages (e.g., CubePoints to BuddyPress). Does adding intangible rewards (points and badges) […]
Sherman Dorn commented on the post, Apply to BootCamp SE, on the site THATCamp Southeast 2011 right now
1. Pedagogy
2. DH
3. — Programming is full, I know. -
Sherman Dorn commented on the post, Random session thoughts, and room-share offer, on the site THATCamp Southeast 2011 right now
Minor correction: Ruby is a language, I’ve been told. Ruby on Rails is a framework. And I’m sure once I get the nomenclature correct, everything will change…
Sherman Dorn commented on the post, Random session thoughts, and room-share offer, on the site THATCamp Southeast 2011 right now
Lee, if you’re asking about my offer of trading a bit of tutoring for rooming, Ruby is one of the — well, not exactly programming language but what’s called a framework to help write program code. Unlike some […]
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Sherman Dorn
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