Rebecca Frost Davis edited a notepad Digital Humanities and Online Education on the site THATCamp Leadership 2013 right now
Rebecca Frost Davis edited a notepad Participatory DH / Crowdsourcing / Public DH on the site THATCamp Leadership 2013 right now
Rebecca Frost Davis edited a notepad "Carpentry" as a way of knowing on the site THATCamp Leadership 2013 right now
Rebecca Frost Davis commented on the post, Participatory DH, on the site THATCamp Leadership 2013 right now
I like this idea because of intersections with liberal arts curriculum and focus on experiential learning.
Rebecca Frost Davis wrote a new post, Play: Help Me Learn Gephi, on the site THATCamp Leadership 2013 right now
This is the first week of a MOOC I am taking on Social Network Analysis. One of our first assignments involves using the tool Gephi. I like to learn tools by playing with them. Anyone here know how to use this? […]
Rebecca Frost Davis wrote a new post, Make Session: Learning Outcomes for a Globally Networked World, on the site THATCamp Leadership 2013 right now
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Rebecca Frost Davis wrote a new post, Talk Session: Spreading Innovation, on the site THATCamp Leadership 2013 right now
It seems like I know many early adopters in the digital humanities, especially at small liberal arts colleges. I’m interested in how we can cross the chasm. How do we move digital humanities into the mainstream? […]
Rebecca Frost Davis commented on the post, Talk Session: On the Signals software, on the site THATCamp Leadership 2013 right now
I saw this same story and speculated on twitter that students might like this kind of feedback based on the other data feeds they are used to receiving. For example, fitness apps like myfitnesspal or fitbit make […]
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Rosemary Feal are now friends right now
Rebecca Frost Davis
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