queensu2013 wrote a new post, Session Proposal: Educational technology in language and culture acquisition: LinguaeLive.ca, on the site THATCamp QueensU 2013 right now
We want to exchange ideas about educational technology in language and cultural acquisition. Using our peer language tandem web platform, LinguaeLive.ca as an example, we will share our own experiences with […]
queensu2013 wrote a new post, Thesaurus Linguae Graecae and Infrared Photography, on the site THATCamp QueensU 2013 right now
Clare joins us from Classics at Queen’s!
I would like to learn more about photography and photo manipulation (photoshop). I don’t have that many skills to share because I am just starting out with graduate work, […]
queensu2013 wrote a new post, Paper Twitter and Hypertextual Social Critique, on the site THATCamp QueensU 2013 right now
Marc has already proposed a fantastic session on a “paper Twitter” and we’re delighted that he will be bringing his research and brain to THATCamp QueensU!
My name is Marc Rowley, and I am a Master’s student at […]
queensu2013 wrote a new post, Documenting Community Involvement Online, on the site THATCamp QueensU 2013 right now
Sarah joins us from English at Queen’s!
I am a third-year undergraduate student at Queen’s University, and especially enjoy studying literature from the Victorian Era. During the summer, I work for an […]
queensu2013 wrote a new post, Computer Vision, Robotics, and AI In an OpenSource Box, on the site THATCamp QueensU 2013 right now
Kevin studies Computer Engineering at Queen’s and will join us at THATCamp:
I am a big user/creator and general fan of technology and I want to listen and learn about how people in a very different discipline […]
queensu2013 wrote a new post, Free Software, Free Culture and Getting To Know Humanists, on the site THATCamp QueensU 2013 right now
Henry joins us from Mathematics at Queen’s!
I’d like to understand more about the humanities side of “digital humanities”, since I feel that I have more understanding of the digital part than the humanities […]
queensu2013 wrote a new post, Public Engagement and The Web's Role in History, on the site THATCamp QueensU 2013 right now
Ryan is an independent researcher in History and Medieval Studies who will join us for THATCamp!
As a grad student transitioning from a background in Medieval Studies into research that examines how historians […]
queensu2013 wrote a new post, Looking Under the Paint, on the site THATCamp QueensU 2013 right now
Ian will join THATCamp from Classics at Queen’s:
With an interest in multi-spectrum photograph and reflectography I have been able to apply these techniques to the fields of archeology and art conservation. […]
queensu2013 wrote a new post, Session Proposals Due Soon!, on the site THATCamp QueensU 2013 right now
There’s one week left until THATCamp QueensU, and session proposals have been coming in!
Remember that proposals are due on Tuesday, February 5th. The Session Proposals page contains full instructions for how […]
queensu2013 wrote a new post, Cultural Citizenship and Immersive Technologies, on the site THATCamp QueensU 2013 right now
May will join us from Cultural Studies at Queen’s!
I’m a PhD candidate in Cultural Studies at Queen’s. My dissertation deals with the uses of interactive and immersive technologies in Canadian museums, and more […]
queensu2013 wrote a new post, Tech Revolutions and Medivalists in DH, on the site THATCamp QueensU 2013 right now
Laura from History and Classics at Queen’s will be joining the conversation!
I’d love to hear from other disciplines in the humanities about how technology (and its speed of change) is affecting their work or […]
queensu2013 wrote a new post, More From Queen's Archives (With a Side of Lego Mashups), on the site THATCamp QueensU 2013 right now
Jeremy will be joining us from Queen’s Archives!
I am interested in the relationship between digital humanists and archives, and how archivists can better assist in the preparations and proposals for digital […]
queensu2013 wrote a new post, Digital Initiatives and Archives, on the site THATCamp QueensU 2013 right now
A very warm welcome to Heather from Queen’s Archives!
I work as an archivist at Queen’s and we are involved in a number of digital initiatives and humanities projects. I am interested in hearing what others have […]
queensu2013 wrote a new post, Photographic Imaging Techniques, on the site THATCamp QueensU 2013 right now
Welcome to Mitchell from Classics at Queen’s!
I’m interested in learning about new technologies and how people in others humanities departments are making use of them. I also would like to discuss some of the […]
queensu2013 wrote a new post, Open Source vs. Commercial Software, on the site THATCamp QueensU 2013 right now
We’re delighted to welcome Dr. George Bevan from Classics at Queen’s!
For THATCamp I am interested in looking at tools for effective dissemination of Digital Humanities scholarship. How can large datasets, such a […]
queensu2013 wrote a new post, Paradoxes, Technology, and Academic History, on the site THATCamp QueensU 2013 right now
Welcome to Tamarra from History at Queen’s:
I would like to attend THATCamp because I am interested in the conservation of the humanities in a technological world. The significance of the humanities relies on its […]
queensu2013 wrote a new post, Archival Work and Indigenous Literature, on the site THATCamp QueensU 2013 right now
Welcome to Trevor from English at Queen’s:
I think that I have tenuous grasp on the capabilities the digital world has on improving research in English Literature. That is to say, I see the intersections but I […]
queensu2013 wrote a new post, Language Acquisition, on the site THATCamp QueensU 2013 right now
Esperanza is joining us from Linguistics at Western!
I am interested in Language Acquisition, notably 1) Acquisition of Japanese language case by Anglophones, Hispanophones, Francophones, Germanophones, as well […]
queensu2013 wrote a new post, Social Impacts of Information and Communications Technologies, on the site THATCamp QueensU 2013 right now
We are delighted to welcome Dr. Nasser Saleh, Head of the Engineering and Science Library to THATCamp.
I am interested in the social impacts of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) on everyday life. […]
queensu2013 wrote a new post, Digital Research and Social Media in the Classroom, on the site THATCamp QueensU 2013 right now
Meaghan will be joining us from Queen’s Cultural Studies!
I want to come to THATcamp because I have followed THATcamp twitter feeds from all over for a while now and I would love the opportunity to participate in […]
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