Patricia Hswe wrote a new post, Session on The Bibliography, Or Something Old is New Again, on the site THATCamp Digital Humanities and Libraries 2012 right now
The session on bibliography will be at Rialto CafĂ©, 934 Sixteenth Street (5 min. walk) – Gmaps directions here: http://bit.ly/VJN6Ba. Table for 12-15 reserved. Join us!
Patricia Hswe wrote a new post, The Bibliography, Or Something Old is New Again, on the site THATCamp Digital Humanities and Libraries 2012 right now
Bibliographies are arguably data sets of old. Their value for scholars across domains continues unabated – and for practical reason: the compilation of information resources marks a typical initial step in […]
Patricia Hswe wrote a new post, Libpub – a Google Group list about scholarly publishing activities, on the site THATCamp Publishing 2011 right now
One outcome of a very rich discussion this morning that was a consolidation of a few sessions about publishing consultation services and academic outreach is Libpub, a mailing list in Google Groups where we can […]
Patricia Hswe wrote a new post, Session proposal: So, You Want to Start a Journal!, on the site THATCamp Publishing 2011 right now
My colleague, Linda Friend, and I are interested in leading a session that’s something akin to a “helpathon” but also, we hope, a discussion inviting folks to share their experiences in scholarly publishing. We […]
Patricia Hswe commented on the post, Discussion session proposal: Digital Collections Represent?, on the site THATCamp Philly 2011 right now
You pose a good question! I’d welcome suggestions for taking a programmatic approach to integrating more attention to the user experience of an online collection. Also, what can we make possible when we’re limited […]
Patricia Hswe commented on the post, Digital Humanities Resistant Faculty, on the site THATCamp Philly 2011 right now
I’d be interested in a discussion like this, too. What are the resources and relationships a library or academic department (or both) should have in place, in order to foster more openness among librarian and […]
Patricia Hswe wrote a new post, Discussion session proposal: Digital Collections Represent?, on the site THATCamp Philly 2011 right now
What do you look for in a digital collection? When was the last time you used content (whether images, video, audio, or text) from a digital collection for your research? How easy was it to find what you wanted? […]
Patricia Hswe
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