Paul Logasa Bogen II commented on the post, The One About THATCamp, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2012 right now
I really would like a session for those who want to plan a THATCamp.
I’m probably going to pitch one attached to JCDL2013.
Paul Logasa Bogen II commented on the post, Shell tutorial, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2012 right now
I can! I’ll put together a little example about using the shell tonight.
Paul Logasa Bogen II commented on the post, Bridging the Gap between the CS DL community and the LIS DL community., on the site THATCamp CHNM 2012 right now
Yes, I was there (Rick introduced me to the room about ten minutes before 😉 that bit). The JCDL community at times can seem very out of touch with practitioners. Both in libraries and archives and in industry.
Paul Logasa Bogen II wrote a new post, Bridging the Gap between the CS DL community and the LIS DL community., on the site THATCamp CHNM 2012 right now
I’ve notice a disparaging trend at both the ACM/IEEE-CS JCDL conference and at THATCamps. Digital Libraries researchers from Computer Science have never heard of THATCamp and don’t really interact with the people […]
Paul Logasa Bogen II commented on the post, Session Proposal: Building a local DH Community., on the site THATCamp Southeast 2012 right now
I actually have the opposite issue here at Oak Ridge, the lab defines it self in terms of science and doesn’t see the benefits of how DH can feed back in to Science.
Paul Logasa Bogen II wrote a new post, Session Proposal: Building a local DH Community., on the site THATCamp Southeast 2012 right now
Having left an institute, Texas A&M, with a strong DH community and coming to ORNL which does not have a community of its own. I’ve been thinking about trying to bring together people to create a local […]
Paul Logasa Bogen II wrote a new post, Let your data be used. Easy API creation using object-relation mapping and RESTlets., on the site THATCamp Texas 2011 right now
One of the great aspects of Web 2.0 is the availability of numerous APIs that are attracting both professional and hobbyist programmers to build cool new applications. The mashup has been borrowed from Hip-Hop […]
Paul Logasa Bogen II
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