Nicola commented on the post, HistoryDeck prototype design crit, on the site THATCamp New England 2011 right now
This sounds like a fun session. I think HistoryDeck definitely has potential!
Nicola commented on the post, Virtual Material Culture, on the site THATCamp New England 2011 right now
I think this is a great session topic. As someone with a personal interest in material culture, I try to incorporate it into my teaching. I think digital archives of artifacts can help students to visualize time […]
Nicola commented on the post, Local TV News use in digital humanities, on the site THATCamp New England 2011 right now
This is a great topic. I’m sure these collections are goldmines of fascinating information. My experience working with online video collections has been that the newer the material is, the tighter the copyright […]
Nicola commented on the post, DH in a LAM world, on the site THATCamp New England 2011 right now
I love the topic of this session. I also work for a small historic house museum with an extremely limited budget. I’ve been planning DH projects for us that will utilize open-source (free) technologies, but […]
Nicola wrote a new post, Humanities, Technology and Engagement, on the site THATCamp New England 2011 right now
I’d like to discuss how technology can be used both in the classroom and in museums to get people interested in the humanities, to engage with the subject matter and to encourage further exploration and […]
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