Michael Mizell-Nelson wrote a new post, The Next THATCamp NOLA: seeking volunteers & support, on the site THATCamp NOLA (New Orleans) 2013 right now
Michael Mizell-Nelson commented on the post, Maker Challenge: Omeka plugin — Update plugins from admin, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2013 right now
Best of Show!
Michael Mizell-Nelson wrote a new post, Digitization of Film and Video: Problems and Practices, on the site THATCamp NOLA (New Orleans) 2013 right now
Some of the first old media to be transformed by digital technology does not occupy much discussion at THATCamps. (Neither film nor video have earned their own categories for our THATCamp posts.) The first […]
Michael Mizell-Nelson wrote a new post, Digital Work as Engaged Service Learning, on the site THATCamp NOLA (New Orleans) 2013 right now
In the spirit of the very well received session proposal Tech Learning Modules Travers posted, I would like to propose this as a “session module,” one that might either be discussed on its own or fitted into […]
Michael Mizell-Nelson commented on the post, Creating Two Totally Excellent HISTORY Websites: University Desegregation Anniversary (& US Largest Slave Revolt), on the site THATCamp NOLA (New Orleans) 2013 right now
Hi Rosanne, I noticed that you have conceived of these as two separate websites. Among archivists attending our THATCamp, Louis Digital and the Mississippi Digital Library are the “gold standards” for online […]
Michael Mizell-Nelson wrote a new post, Dork Shorts, on the site THATCamp NOLA (New Orleans) 2013 right now
We will have a 30-minute Dork Shorts session during the last part of our 90-minute lunch break.
12:00-1:30 Lunch and 1:00 -1:30 Dork ShortsTHATCAmp Central states:
“Dork shorts, known in some corners as […] -
Michael Mizell-Nelson commented on the post, Session Proposal: CONTENTdm Love/Hate Fest, on the site THATCamp NOLA (New Orleans) 2013 right now
As a CONTENTdm voyeur, I’d be interested in learning about the problems and advances users are experiencing with the new version.
Michael Mizell-Nelson commented on the post, The Feds are Coming! Discussion Proposal, on the site THATCamp NOLA (New Orleans) 2013 right now
I’m very interested in this session. When I check to see if some famous set of government documents has been digitized, and they don’t turn up, I often wonder if I’m simply not looking in the right place or not […]
Michael Mizell-Nelson commented on the post, Educating Faculty: Confronting the Fear Factor of the Digital Humanities, on the site THATCamp NOLA (New Orleans) 2013 right now
Great. One of my favorite parts of THATCamp is the way they serve as great big data dumps as people share urls leading to sites, reports, etc. We can only accomplish so much in one day, so building on the momentum […]
Michael Mizell-Nelson wrote a new post, Building an Interdisciplinary Digital Humanities/New Media Community in the Deep South, on the site THATCamp NOLA (New Orleans) 2013 right now
I have been fortunate to attend a few THATCamps connected to academic conferences for historians, and I have wanted to work with others to create a THATCamp (and, we hope, a series of unconferences) rooted in New […]
Michael Mizell-Nelson commented on the post, Classrooms and Learning Spaces for the Future, on the site THATCamp American Historical Association 2013 right now
It seems as if two THATCampers describe universities prepared to invest in improving classroom facilities for the 21st century. I don’t want to sound as if I’m Bad Luck Schleprock, but I would like to make sure […]
jeanne.gillespie and
Michael Mizell-Nelson are now friends right now
Michael Mizell-Nelson wrote a new post, THATCamp New Orleans: May 17, on the site THATCamp NOLA (New Orleans) 2013 right now
Michael Mizell-Nelson commented on the post, Solvathon – managing digital work (and is there any other kind anymore?), on the site THATCamp National Council on Public History 2011 right now
Have you worked with Zotero?
Michael Mizell-Nelson commented on the post, Bringing Oral Histories to Life, on the site THATCamp National Council on Public History 2011 right now
I’m glad you’re going to be able to update everyone on your progress with the National World War II Museum’s fascinating project.
Michael Mizell-Nelson commented on the post, Film and History, on the site THATCamp National Council on Public History 2011 right now
Hi, I’m also interested in documentary film. I have a background in broadcast documentary production, but only with small budgets and no budgets. Your much more impressive production background should make it […]
Michael Mizell-Nelson
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