matthew gaventa commented on the post, Traveling from the northeast, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2008 right now
That’s correct. They’re finally finishing the new bridgespan and the transition period is causing some hangups. I don’t know how much it would back up to the stretch of 95 above the beltway — once you’re on 495, […]
matthew gaventa wrote a new post, Introducing Encyclopedia Virginia, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2008 right now
Though I’m way late in doing so, I did want to just introduce my project to the folks here before we all converge (if only hours before). I don’t think it’s covering any drastically new ground but maybe ties in to […]
matthew gaventa commented on the post, Scholarship and Digital Texts, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2008 right now
I’m really interested in this. I work on an online encyclopedia project (Encyclopedia Virginia). The state encyclopedia community has been trying to figure out best practices for digitally-born content and has […]
matthew gaventa
active right now