PhDeviate commented on the post, Capturing Tweets and Twitter Networks at MLA 2013, on the site THATCamp Modern Language Association Boston 2013 right now
I love this idea! Count me in, if I can!
PhDeviate commented on the post, Analog Hackerspace!, on the site THATCamp Modern Language Association Boston 2013 right now
Hi folks, (esp JLP!)
If I’m going to make this happen (and I’m getting pretty excited about it) I’m going to need some help! Is there anyone among the current campers interested in helping staff the Analog hackerspace?
PhDeviate wrote a new post, Analog Hackerspace!, on the site THATCamp Modern Language Association Boston 2013 right now
If there is interest (and space), I’m interested in setting up what has variously been called the “Craft Cabin” or the “Analog Remix Lab,” but what I think I’m going to call “Analog Hackerspace.”
Past […]
PhDeviate wrote a new post, What do you want to DO?, on the site THATCamp Caribbean 2012 right now
Technology, Digital, Humanities, text, analysis, model, moodle what?
What do you want to do? What do you wish you could teach that you want new tools to teach? What do you want to study but you don’t know what […]
PhDeviate wrote a new post, Digital Tools for Research, on the site THATCamp Caribbean 2012 right now
Edited by Marta
We’ll just do a big roundup of tools, for research, scholarly productivity, and whatever you need to do, we have thought about ways to do it better, faster, more digitally! Bring your favorite […]
PhDeviate wrote a new post, Shell tutorial, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2012 right now
@plbogen and @m_steph_m and I have been tweeting about learning command line stuff. We would like to have a shell tutorial! I asked for links to help, and here’s what I got:
<a […]
PhDeviate commented on the post, Desiderata for Digital Scholarly Publications/Digital University Presses and Imprints, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2012 right now
Yes please!
PhDeviate commented on the post, Little Data, Big Learning: Fostering Experiential Pedagogy, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2012 right now
Well, I have a watercolor kit! 🙂 #THATCamp #CraftTable?
PhDeviate commented on the post, Little Data, Big Learning: Fostering Experiential Pedagogy, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2012 right now
I am so there for this! Experiential pedagogy in literary studies is something I’ve been thinking a lot about. See my (very analog!) post here: http://www.phdeviate.org/2012/02/23/crafts/
PhDeviate wrote a new post, One more–methods, workflows, and general productivity hacking, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2012 right now
Having recently retooled my DevonThink setup yet again, I’m finding that I’m still dissatisfied. My regular everyday worktools include:
DevonThink, really, pretty much I use it as a better finder
<a […] -
PhDeviate commented on the post, Things I'd love to discuss, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2012 right now
I completely agree, Sarah, and adjuncts and temps are often IN institutions, sometimes the same one for a long time, but without the access (formally or informally) to the same resources as permanent folks…
PhDeviate commented on the post, little bit'a coding, little bit'a conversation, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2012 right now
I am only understanding about half of what you just posted, but I think that I am, in theory, in favor of your session idea. Unless I would, in real life, understand less than half of it.
PhDeviate commented on the post, I propose an anti-session on Messing Around Or Maybe Building Something Kinda Neat, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2012 right now
I would join a PHP messing around session. I think if I new more PHP, there are fun things I could do with my site that I am not currently doing!
PhDeviate commented on the post, Things I'd love to discuss, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2012 right now
I did see that. (Now I don’t remember if that’s what I signed up for.) My fear is that the workshop might be too advanced for a git-beginner.
And yes, I think there’s significant overlap in contractor! So yes!
PhDeviate wrote a new post, Things I'd love to discuss, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2012 right now
Using GIT
I “get” GIT–I see the utility–I see the logic–I see why it’s great. But I’d love some discussion on how to start using it, what are some preferred GIT clients, and what the best-GIT-practices are. If […] -
PhDeviate wrote a new post, THATCamp Caribe T-Shirt Contest, on the site THATCamp Caribbean 2012 right now
Announcing the THATCampCaribe T-Shirt design contest. We decided at our first planning meeting that we had to have the best T-Shirt of any THATCamp in history. So the contest is on! Design a T-shirt for […]
PhDeviate commented on the post, Starting THATCamp Diversity!, on the site THATCamp Diversity right now
Yes! Absolutely.
PhDeviate commented on the post, THATCamp Craft Cabin–the why and the how, on the site THATCamp Southern California 2011 right now
Also, it inspired good conversations about what it means to make, and to build, and the nature of collage and bricolage (topics which have been discussed extensively elsewhere!) It also inspired conversations […]
PhDeviate commented on the post, Towards an Open Digital Humanities, on the site THATCamp Southern California 2011 right now
Drafted by: Marta S. Rivera Monclova / @PhDeviate AND the Diversity in DH session at the THATCamp SoCal 2011
(Please add your name if you were in the room! Others, feel free to comment!)
PhDeviate wrote a new post, Towards an Open Digital Humanities Notes, on the site THATCamp Southern California 2011 right now
Barriers to access:
Suggestion: See “Grant Opportunities” from the National Endowment for the Humanities Office of Digital Humanities: http://www.neh.gov/odh/
Lack of understanding/knowledge of […] - Load More
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