marlowjm wrote a new post, New DH Faculty at LAC – session/discussion idea, on the site THATCamp Liberal Arts Colleges 2011 right now
As a future LAC faculty member leaving behind my doctoral work at an R1 institution where the numbers of resources and colleagues working with digital media tend to be more plentiful, I am interested in discussing […]
marlowjm commented on the post, Elle, Edmonde Charles-Roux. The role of biographers, fashion and Coco Chanel, on the site THATCamp Liberal Arts Colleges 2011 right now
Yes, these questions about “grading” multimedia assignments seem to mesh nicely with Kim’s focus on meeting specific liberal arts competencies that she bullet-points in her post.
marlowjm commented on the post, Session Idea – Class and Professional Websites, on the site THATCamp Liberal Arts Colleges 2011 right now
I want to echo Dave’s (and now Michelle’s) concerns about “software fatigue,” which also relates to confusions that arise (for students) over having academic/undergraduate coursework information in disparate […]
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