maiben wrote a new post, Glossary of DH Terms, on the site THATCamp Alabama 2015 right now
Glossary of Digital Humanities Terms, Building a Digital Portfolio (for Art History graduate students), George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, July 2015. Supported by the Getty Foundation & organized by the Roy […]
maiben wrote a new post, Welcome to THATCamp Alabama!, on the site THATCamp Alabama 2015 right now
Safe travels to everyone as you make your way to THATCamp Alabama!
Here are a few reminders:
– You can view the schedule on Google Docs. If you take notes during sessions, upload them to the Google Drive […]
maiben wrote a new post, Fieldwork and the Digital Archive, on the site THATCamp Alabama 2015 right now
Archives and Special Collections are becoming increasingly available to researchers everywhere as university libraries, museums, and enthusiasts digitize their holdings. As a result, a good amount of archival […]
maiben wrote a new post, Tech in Tajikistan, on the site THATCamp Alabama 2015 right now
The challenges and opportunities when working with a group of students in an international library via email, live Skype sessions, and WordPress blogging.
The State Department encourages partnerships with […]
maiben wrote a new post, Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools for the DH Practitioner, on the site THATCamp Alabama 2015 right now
Scholarship is becoming increasingly digital and online, but inaccessible websites and digital content limit access for users with disabilities. While automated evaluation is not an adequate substitute for […]
maiben wrote a new post, Reining in the Rogue Archives, on the site THATCamp Alabama 2015 right now
A local government archives established before local government archives were a “thing,” and long before “Describing Archives: A Content Standard” was conceived. Long-serving archivists with dedication to and […]
maiben wrote a new post, Building an Accessible Future for the Humanities, on the site THATCamp Alabama 2015 right now
The NEH-funded Building an Accessible Future for the Humanities Project engages humanists, librarians, information scientists, and cultural heritage professionals with technologies, design standards, and […]
maiben wrote a new post, RBD Library Maps, on the site THATCamp Alabama 2015 right now
To help guide your way!
maiben wrote a new post, Querying Access, Power and Taxonomy in the Digital Humanities, on the site THATCamp Alabama 2015 right now
I propose a talk session to explore some of the points that Miriam Posner presented in the keynote address to the Keystone Digital Humanities Conference, University of Pennsylvania, July 22, 2015. She is the […]
maiben wrote a new post, Workshops!, on the site THATCamp Alabama 2015 right now
Omeka Hackathon – Friday at 1:00 p.m.
Introduction to Digital Project Management – Friday at 2:30 p.m.
In this workshop we will be investigating Digital Humanities project management. In keeping with the […]
maiben wrote a new post, Taking a Digital Walk Through History, on the site THATCamp Alabama 2015 right now
Through collaboration with the Department of History and Biggio Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning at Auburn University, the Caroline Marshall Draughon Center for the Arts & Humanities developed a […]
maiben wrote a new post, Name Authority in Digital Projects, on the site THATCamp Alabama 2015 right now
I proposed a session on controlled vocabulary, but thought of a slightly different related topic: authority control of personal names. This could be merged with my other proposal or be a separate discussion? […]
maiben wrote a new post, Linked Data Between Encyclopedia of Alabama and Alabama Mosaic, on the site THATCamp Alabama 2015 right now
The folks at the Encyclopedia of Alabama work hard to link it out to Alabama Mosaic. I think they do a lot of this linking manually. Can we link out from within the Alabama Mosaic VuFind index to specific parts of […]
maiben wrote a new post, Best Practices for Alabama Mosaic, on the site THATCamp Alabama 2015 right now
This would be along the lines of a “talk/make” session to talk about metadata best practices for Alabama Mosaic. Alabama Mosaic harvests from a wide variety of institutions in the state. It is only as good for […]
maiben wrote a new post, Controlled Vocabulary for Digital Projects, on the site THATCamp Alabama 2015 right now
I would like the metadata specialists who create metadata for digital projects around the state to have a discussion on their practices for adding subject or geographic metadata to digital collections, […]
maiben wrote a new post, THATCamp Alabama 2015, on the site THATCamp Alabama 2015 right now
THATCamp Alabama 2015 will be held September 4-5 at the Auburn University Library.
Hosted by the Caroline Marshall Draughon Center for the Arts & Humanities in the College of Liberal Arts at Auburn University […]
maiben wrote a new post, Workshop: Digital Presentation Tools, on the site THATCamp Alabama 2013 right now
This workshop will discuss digital presentation tools, such as Prezi, Empressr, and Slideshare, as dynamic and engaging alternatives to PowerPoint. Participants are encouraged to bring a laptop and an idea for a presentation.
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