Steven Lubar wrote a new post, Notes: Building a professional persona online, on the site THATCamp New England 2012 right now
I’ve storified yesterday’s workshop. It’s here. http://storify.com/lubar/building-a-professional-persona-online
Steven Lubar commented on the post, Exploratory Data Analysis: I've graphed my data. Now what?, on the site THATCamp New England 2012 right now
This would be a fascinating session. I’ve been exploring the new Paper Machines plugin for Zotero – it gives you some wonderful quick visualizations of data based on your collected documents, or data available […]
Steven Lubar wrote a new post, Workshop on building an online professional persona, on the site THATCamp New England 2012 right now
Some sites that might be of interest on this topic:
Profhacker, part 1 and part 2
Lorcan Dempsey’s presentation for University of Pittsburgh
Kim Brabour and David Marshall, at First Monday -
Steven Lubar commented on the post, For consideration: Next-Generation Crowdsourcing, and the Future of Digital Public History, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2011 right now
Late and short, but smart and important! Both are good ideas. Would be interesting to try to include the physical with the digital in thinking about the future – how can we use the spaces of museums, not just […]
Steven Lubar commented on the post, Proposal: One Session | One Solution, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2011 right now
Here’s a project that might work, more of a brainstorming and organizing effort than a technology one:
People who work in and teach about museums don’t have good examples of exhibit design and exhibit labels to […]
Steven Lubar wrote a new post, Using web tools to let students reach the public, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2009 right now
I want to learn about how to use new web-interaction tools for teaching classes that have a public product. Students in the Brown public humanities program do exhibitions and programs for the public, and it would […]
Steven Lubar
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