Lora Smallman wrote a new post, Thank you., on the site SIUE THATCamp 2016 right now
Melissa and I would like to thank all the participants for a wonderful and successful THATCamp! We wish you a wonderful summer. Hopefully we’ll do this again!
Lora Smallman wrote a new post, Maker Challenge, on the site SIUE THATCamp 2016 right now
From Edward Lee Lamoureux
Lora Smallman wrote a new post, Vote for a Maker Challenge!, on the site SIUE THATCamp 2016 right now
Read the Maker Submissions here: http://siue2016.thatcamp.org/category/maker-challenge/
You can vote here: https://pollev.com/smallman
You can also vote with your cell phone here:
Lora Smallman wrote a new post, Session Facilitators: Taking & Posting Notes, on the site SIUE THATCamp 2016 right now
Many people were interested in attending SIUE THATCamp 2016, but were unable to do so for various reasons. We’d like to document as much as possible from this unconference so that we and others can return to the s […]
Lora Smallman commented on the post, Talk Session: DH Applications for Indigenous Cultural Knowledge via Place Based Education, on the site SIUE THATCamp 2016 right now
Very interesting session, Susan! It makes me think of Dr. Kim Christen Withey and her project, Mukurtu – http://mukurtu.org/about/
I heard her speak at a DH Forum last year at KU -
Lora Smallman wrote a new post, Make Session – Digital Humanities Toolkit via LibGuides, on the site SIUE THATCamp 2016 right now
Facilitator: Lora Smallman
I’ll lead a session on building a digital humanities (DH) toolkit intended especially for beginners. If you’re new to DH, this is a great session to come and get your […]
Lora Smallman wrote a new post, Travel Poll, on the site SIUE THATCamp 2016 right now
Lora Smallman
active right now