Lindley Shedd commented on the post, Build It and Will They Come?, on the site THATCamp Alabama 2013 right now
Wonderful. I don’t know that I’ve met any of the UAB digital media folks.
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Lindley Shedd commented on the post, Build It and Will They Come?, on the site THATCamp Alabama 2013 right now
Kathy, I am the Media Services Coordinator for the UA Libraries’ Sanford Media Center (http://lib.ua.edu/smc). Even if this session is not selected I would be glad to talk with you about how we’ve built a […]
Lindley Shedd commented on the post, The final countdown, on the site THATCamp Alabama 2013 right now
That’s what I had done (or not done) anyway.
Lindley Shedd commented on the post, The final countdown, on the site THATCamp Alabama 2013 right now
probably not logged in.
Lindley Shedd commented on the post, Fight Club, on the site THATCamp Alabama 2013 right now
A bit early, I know, but here’s an article from Educause Review Online: http://www.educause.edu/ero/article/does-digital-scholarship-have-future
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Lindley Shedd wrote a new post, Multimedia Assignments in Humanities Classes, on the site THATCamp Alabama 2013 right now
I propose a conversation about incorporating multimedia assignments into humanities courses. As director of the University of Alabama Libraries’ Sanford Media Center, I’ve helped design and support a number of […]
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