katherine pandora wrote a new post, minimal computing & the who, what, and why of dh: discussion session (?), on the site THATCamp OU 2015 right now
Digital Humanities is bubbling over with fascinating projects and activities . . . but these often come at a high cost, whether it is in time spent learning new and ever-morphing software (and hardware) or putting […]
katherine pandora commented on the post, Talk session proposal: What is digital humanities?, on the site THATCamp OU 2015 right now
I’m an enthusiastic second for all you’ve brought together here! Thanks for posting! One possibility to consider, perhaps — separating out some of the different chunks and use those smaller bits as session […]
katherine pandora commented on the post, Workshop ideas for Friday, March 9, on the site THATCamp Texas 2012 right now
e-book creation, most definitely as well as frontiers and technology in scholarly communication for me! GIS and video would be among my top choices also.
katherine pandora
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