Kristen Lillvis replied to the topic URL, not site title is showing on main thatCamp page- change? in the forum Technical issues right now
Thank you, Amanda!
Kristen Lillvis replied to the topic URL, not site title is showing on main thatCamp page- change? in the forum Technical issues right now
I need to change a date for THATCamp Ohio 2018, and while I was able to so before, I can’t figure out how at this time (and to make the date change appear on the main THATCamp page). Our date is now Sept. 22, 2018. Help, please? Thank you!
Kristen -
Kristen Lillvis wrote a new post, THATCamp links–for everyone to share, on the site THATCamp Marshall 2018 right now
Feel free to use this shared document to share links, including links to your own materials (syllabi, etc.). You can then remove the links from this document if you no longer want the material to be public.
Kristen Lillvis wrote a new post, Links discussed in Session #18, on the site THATCamp Marshall 2018 right now
Kristen Lillvis replied to the topic Spam From Camper to other Campers Email? in the forum Technical issues right now
Actually several of my campers have received this spam.
Kristen Lillvis replied to the topic Spam From Camper to other Campers Email? in the forum Technical issues right now
One of my campers for THATCamp Marshall received a spam email (please see pasted below):
From: THATCamp <>
Sent: Thursday, March 8, 2018 3:28 PM
To: Lumpkin, Britton
Subject: [THATCamp] New message from KristenTHATCamp
Hi Britton Lumpkin,
________________________________________Kristen sent you a new…[Read more]
Kristen Lillvis replied to the topic Registrations going missing in the forum Technical issues right now
Thanks, Amanda. We figured out that it might be a browser issue (IE)? I appreciate your help!
Kristen Lillvis replied to the topic Registrations going missing in the forum Technical issues right now
I have had this same problem this week and last–several people have said they registered but the registrations aren’t going through.
Kristen Lillvis replied to the topic remove THATCamp? in the forum Technical issues right now
Hello. I was in charge of two THATCamps, but I need to delete one. I see how to delete it, but the confirmation email I received says that my “current site and username” will be gone forever. Is this the name of my particular THATCamp or my personal username? Thank you.
Kristen Lillvis replied to the topic URL, not site title is showing on main thatCamp page- change? in the forum Technical issues right now
Either the cache cleared or someone fixed it. Thank you!
Kristen Lillvis replied to the topic URL, not site title is showing on main thatCamp page- change? in the forum Technical issues right now
I changed the THATCamp Ohio 2018 on my end to have a date of April 27, 2018, but it isn’t showing up on the THATCamp homepage. Would someone please help me update the date?
Kristen Lillvis wrote a new post, Announcing THATCamp Ohio 2018, on the site THATCamp Ohio 2018 right now
Have notes from THATCamp Ohio 2018 to share? Send them to Kristen or Tweet them using #thatcampohio18?
Notes from DH & Race, Gender, Sexuality, Class, Ability+ / RadicalDH, (11 AM-12 PM)
Notes from Pedagogy […]
Kristen Lillvis wrote a new post, Announcing THATCamp Marshall 2018, on the site THATCamp Marshall 2018 right now
THATCamp Marshall 2018 will take place on March 31 at Marshall University’s Visual Arts Center. Registration is now open. For your $30 registration fee, you will be provided with a THATCamp Marshall 2018 t-shirt, […]
Kristen Lillvis
active right now