Kathryn Densford wrote a new post, Tool-Sharing Session, on the site THATCamp AHA 2018 right now
Provides word cloud, other tools for sorting and viewing key words.
– DH Press, UNC: http://digitalinnovation.unc.edu/projects/dhpress/
– ht […]
Kathryn Densford wrote a new post, Acquiring Social Media Data, on the site THATCamp AHA 2018 right now
What is an API?
– API stand for Application Programming Interface
– allows software to interact with a website
– API calls consist of requests and response of structured data
Example: Twitter […]
Kathryn Densford wrote a new post, Teaching Intro to Digital Humanities Courses, on the site THATCamp AHA 2018 right now
Different Strategies to teaching DH
– Transcribing: convey to students that all internet content is created; National Archives-Citizen Archivist; assign students to transcribe documents for a specific […]
Kathryn Densford
active right now