William Kane wrote a new post, dork shorts proposal: icebreaker survey results!, on the site THATCamp Piedmont 2016 right now
One or two minute rundown of survey results (wherein we’ll decide who’s on the right side of history (with respect to the duck-sized horse versus horse-sized duck question (and perhaps others))).
William Kane wrote a new post, 50 Shades of Icebreakers, on the site THATCamp Piedmont 2016 right now
Let’s do this survey thing: http://goo.gl/forms/AGMQ6DAzPJ.
William Kane wrote a new post, Publishing THATCamp Piedmont 2016 Proceedings, on the site THATCamp Piedmont 2016 right now
Talk proposal: I would like to, well, talk (see what I did there?) about publishing the results of this very THATCamp. Then again, I always want to talk about publishing, so there’s that. Still, methinks we […]
William Kane
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