Jamie Jungmin Yoo commented on the post, * Social Network Analysis (SNA) as an Analytical Research Method for the Humanities* , on the site THATCamp New England 2011 right now
@ Amanda — thanks! I’ll look into the link for more ideas proposed by Moretti. thanks again and look forward to discussing more about it in and outside the session!
@ Max – that’s a great idea! i’d love to do […]
Jamie Jungmin Yoo commented on the post, Life and Scholarship in Plain Text, on the site THATCamp New England 2011 right now
it might be rather off topic, but i’d also love to learn/talk more about note-taking method as well. how do you guys manage/organize your papers, articles, reading notes, etc? headache…
Jamie Jungmin Yoo commented on the post, Text encoding (editing, modeling, metadata, TEI, skills, tools…), on the site THATCamp New England 2011 right now
love this! personally i really learn about this!!
Jamie Jungmin Yoo commented on the post, Lightning Presentations (AKA Dork Shorts), on the site THATCamp New England 2011 right now
Dear all,
It’s my first ThatCamp – frankly I feel rather overwhelmed but will try to experience as much as I can, including this dork short presentation. Here is the link for my on-going work on Social Network […]
Jamie Jungmin Yoo wrote a new post, * Social Network Analysis (SNA) as an Analytical Research Method for the Humanities* , on the site THATCamp New England 2011 right now
“From texts to models, then; and models drawn from three disciplines with which literary studies have had little or no interaction: graphs from quantitative history, maps from geography, and trees from […]
Jamie Jungmin Yoo
active right now