johnjack commented on the post, Let’s Make a MOOC! Crowdsourcing an Information Literacy MOOC, on the site THATCamp ACRL 2013 right now
Great idea! You can count on me to help out with this one. =)
laurenpressley and
johnjack are now friends right now
johnjack wrote a new post, Collaborative Notes from Omeka Workshop, on the site THATCamp Southern California 2012 right now
Here are the notes we put together from the Omeka Workshop, led by Amanda French. Feel free to add and edit.
johnjack wrote a new post, Collaborative Notes from DIY Project Management Session, on the site THATCamp Southern California 2012 right now
For those who were not able to attend every session at once, here’s a doc we put together from the DIY Project Management Session, led by Tim Stanton.
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