johnbork wrote a new post, What Should be in a Philosophy of Computing?, on the site THATCamp Florida 2016 right now
The Obama administration and other groups have been calling for dramatic increases in computer science and technology education for American children, which requires a new generation of proficient and inspired […]
johnbork commented on the post, Programming the Digital Humanities, on the site THATCamp Florida 2013 right now
Rudy, great topic. I plan to address humanities programming in the context of Pinball Platform studies as a deep dive into the materiality of code. Montfort, Bogost and others argue for study of “ancient” […]
johnbork wrote a new post, Pinball Platform Studies, on the site THATCamp Florida 2013 right now
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–I like what Nick Montfort and Ian Bogost do with the Atari VCS in Racing the Beam, and following their lead, consider […] -
johnbork commented on the post, symposia ensoniment of Plato's Symposium, on the site THATCamp Florida 2012 right now
The current version of the software requires a GNU/Linux-based development environment (I’m using Ubuntu 11.04 and 11.11 on bare hardware and VirtualBox virtual machines–so you can use a Windows-based or […]
johnbork commented on the post, Elle, Edmonde Charles-Roux. The role of biographers, fashion and Coco Chanel, on the site THATCamp Florida 2012 right now
I’m familiar with the Fedora operating system project, is this what you mean?
johnbork wrote a new post, symposia ensoniment of Plato's Symposium, on the site THATCamp Florida 2012 right now
The symposia project creates ensoniment (a term adapted from Jonathan Sterne’s Audible Past) of Plato’s Symposium using eleven distributed text to speech processes arranged in the positions of the speakers in the […]
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