joguldi commented on the post, Digital libraries, Web 2.0 and historians, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2009 right now
love it. curious whether web2.0ness can be built into existing public infrastructure. e.g. twittering #thatcamp, or delicious-tagging “ena” on links related to your project
…and what about, as a start, a […]
joguldi commented on the post, Developing, but not overdeveloping, a collaborative space, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2009 right now
My response might be a little unorthodox here — but I’m a big fan of guerilla academic use of publicly available tools for sharing, rather than reduplicating walled gardens of our own.
I’ve blogged about my own […]
joguldi commented on the post, Scholarly arguments in non-text-based media, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2009 right now
yes please!! fwiw, i did some writing about ideas here: http://landscape.blogspot.com/2009/02/future-of-academic-journal-take-down.html
joguldi commented on the post, Literary mapping and spatial markup, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2009 right now
Golly, THATcamp’s gonna be rad.
How bout tying this to a historical question: what are the Detroits and New Orleans of history? What are the places loaded with symbolism, being somewhat forgotten, just out of […]
joguldi commented on the post, Visual Thinking & Tools Discussion, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2009 right now
I’ve been using PersonalBrain with a lot of joy for about a year now.
I’m also experimenting with MindManager.
My hunch is that, like a lot of things, each tool is best applied to a specific set of tasks; […]
joguldi wrote a new post, mining for big history: uncouth things i want to do with archives, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2009 right now
woohoo THATcampers! i’m so psyched to hang out with you. actually, i need to learn from your enormous brains…
a major theme of my graduate course in digital history at the u of c was the opportunities lying […]
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