Julia Noordegraaf
active right now
Julia Noordegraaf commented on the post, Proposal for a Teach session: Linked Historical Data, Big and Small – use case tbd, on the site THATCamp Amsterdam 2016 right now
Very nice idea! May be a nice follow-up to the CLARIAH workshop on Linked Open Data, which is scheduled for 12 September 12:00-17:00, see http://www.clariah.nl/en/events/calendar/16
Julia Noordegraaf wrote a new post, Proposal for a Teach session: Cinema Context workshop, on the site THATCamp Amsterdam 2016 right now
Cinema Context workshop: reconstructing cinema networks
Julia Noordegraaf, Kathleen Lotze and Karel Dibbets
The database Cinema Context provides a wealth of data on the films, cinemas, people and […]