Julie Meloni wrote a new post, Installfest: XAMPP, WordPress, Omeka, on the site THATCamp Virginia 2010 right now
At THATCamp New England several weeks ago, I ran two non-BootCamp but BootCamp-like sessions on (essentially) turning your laptop into a basic local web development environment using XAMPP, and installing & […]
Julie Meloni wrote a new post, Project "Develop Self-Paced Open Access DH Curriculum for Mid-Career Scholars Otherwise Untrained", on the site THATCamp CHNM 2010 right now
Since “DSPOADHCFMCSOU” doesn’t spell anything useful, I’m using “Project Retrain” as the working title for this project.
Some of you may recall a tweet by me a few weeks ago, in which I “announced” a new project […]
Julie Meloni commented on the post, Who Wants To Be A Hacker?, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2010 right now
Patrick, I’d be happy to be your TA.
Julie Meloni commented on the post, THATCamp-in-a-Box, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2010 right now
I’m there!
Julie Meloni wrote a new post, Thanks for a Great THATCamp PNW 2009!, on the site THATCamp Pacific Northwest 2009 right now
Many thanks to everyone who participated in the first THATCamp Pacific Northwest—look for links to the archives and roundups of discussions on this blog as soon as I (Julie) get my bearings!
Here’s to THATCamp […]
Julie Meloni wrote a new post, Twitter: Follow the #thatcamppnw hashtag, on the site THATCamp Pacific Northwest 2009 right now
FYI, “official” live tweeters will be using the #thatcamppnw hashtag. It is QUITE likely that conference participants will be using #thatcamp more than #thatcamppnw, but we are archiving all of them for later.
Julie Meloni wrote a new post, Dork Shorts!, on the site THATCamp Pacific Northwest 2009 right now
I (Julie) completely forgot to mention the traditional “Dork Shorts”—three-minute presentations (lightning talks, elevator pitches, however you want to classify them) of your current projects or other ideas. […]
Julie Meloni commented on the post, Anyone want to see Google Wave? (not a session), on the site THATCamp Pacific Northwest 2009 right now
Believe me, if I had any, I’d give them out. The latest group of people to get Wave didn’t get any invites (actually called “nominations”) — and the time between invite/nomination to actual account activation […]
Julie Meloni wrote a new post, Anyone want to see Google Wave? (not a session), on the site THATCamp Pacific Northwest 2009 right now
I was just thinking about this—I think Dave Lester and I (Julie) might be the only people at THATCamp PNW who have Google Wave accounts. I could be totally wrong about that, but if that is the case, and if anyone […]
Julie Meloni commented on the post, Playing with Technology, on the site THATCamp Pacific Northwest 2009 right now
Play is fundamental to learning anything, especially technology. I would argue that the entire hacker culture and the open source movement and especially Web n.0 only exists at all because of the notion of play. […]
Julie Meloni commented on the post, The Writer's Archive and The Networked Book, on the site THATCamp Pacific Northwest 2009 right now
I believe this will be a popular topic (in fact, I already know it is but some people are shy about saying so), in part because the issues you bring up are similar to the issues faced by students in their own […]
Julie Meloni commented on the post, Regional Collaboration , on the site THATCamp Pacific Northwest 2009 right now
I think this is tremendously important; I was considering ways in which this could actually be rolled into the final wrap-up session as well, so that everyone would be in the same room.
Julie Meloni wrote a new post, Session Topics: Keep 'em Coming, Here are More, on the site THATCamp Pacific Northwest 2009 right now
In the interest of time, I’m taking a moment to add some bullet points of ideas for sessions that come from the information people submitted with their applications. We’re off to a good start with the extended […]
Julie Meloni commented on the post, Data Visualization and DIY Technologies, on the site THATCamp Pacific Northwest 2009 right now
I would like all of these things, please!
Julie Meloni commented on the post, Session: A database of prices in literary and non-literary sources., on the site THATCamp Pacific Northwest 2009 right now
Yep, I’m definitely seeing a session on workshopping ideas for new apps used in research and/or pedagogy.
Julie Meloni commented on the post, Session: Digital History, Regional History, on the site THATCamp Pacific Northwest 2009 right now
I’d just like to note that what you said about not making an iPhone app is pretty important. Fundamentally, all these new tools should be web-based with the ability to be hooked into by other apps, but not built […]
Julie Meloni commented on the post, Tech Tools & Pedagogy, on the site THATCamp Pacific Northwest 2009 right now
Honestly, I can see an entire track devoted to tech tools and pedagogy! Perhaps a session on implementation issues (e.g. access issues, student buy-in, etc), then one on sort of common tools (LMSes, GDocs, […]
Julie Meloni commented on the post, It's awn! Introducing THATCamp Historic Places, on the site THATCamp Pacific Northwest 2009 right now
FYI, the wonderful folks at the NEH ODH have sent brochures, a message from the director, and will be on the lookout for a series of questions generated from sessions so that the program officers can address them […]
Julie Meloni wrote a new post, Tech Tools & Pedagogy, on the site THATCamp Pacific Northwest 2009 right now
I have a few different ideas for things I can definitely talk about in session format, although I honestly don’t know if I should since I’m organizing this event and will be running around making sure you’re all […]
Julie Meloni
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