Jasmine Mulliken commented on the post, DH Commons, on the site THATCamp Texas 2011 right now
I like this proposal very much. I’m about to graduate from the University of Texas at Austin, which has a fantastic infrastructure and potential for the digital humanities. I feel I’ve had a lot of great […]
Jasmine Mulliken commented on the post, Literature and GIS, on the site THATCamp Texas 2011 right now
Wow, Rebecca. Thanks so much for the link. I haven’t seen that before. I notice they have a map for Portrait. I’m glad there’s not one for Dubliners yet. I’ll have to get that loaded up ASAP!
Jasmine Mulliken commented on the post, Literature and GIS, on the site THATCamp Texas 2011 right now
Thanks for the comment, Ben. Your project sounds like a lot of fun and very fascinating! I actually don’t have any experience with the inner workings of GIS systems either, only the user interfaces and tools that […]
Jasmine Mulliken wrote a new post, Literature and GIS, on the site THATCamp Texas 2011 right now
My ideal session would be one in which participants discuss their experiences with GIS and literature projects. My contribution would be the presentation of a current project which uses Google maps to mark […]
Jasmine Mulliken
active right now