Jack Dougherty commented on the post, Multi-campus teaching projects, on the site THATCamp New England 2014 right now
Great session idea. Check out Amanda Hagood and Carmel Price’s “Sister Classrooms” essay in the almost-final-manuscript version of Web Writing at http://epress.trincoll.edu/webwriting/chapter/sister-classrooms/ -
Jack Dougherty commented on the post, Geospatial Showcase, on the site THATCamp New England 2013 right now
Lincoln, thumbs up for this session proposal, especially if we can persuade the UConn MAGIC (Map and Geographic Information Center) crew to join us.
On a related note, this weekend I need to update my online […]
Scott DeLugan and
Jack Dougherty are now friends right now
THATCamp Western NY and
Jack Dougherty are now friends right now
Katherine Purple and
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Jack Dougherty edited a notepad Group notes on financial sustainability for OA publications session on the site THATCamp Publishing 2013 right now
Jack Dougherty edited a notepad Group notes on financial sustainability for OA publications session on the site THATCamp Publishing 2013 right now
Jack Dougherty edited a notepad links and notes to collaborative scholarly publishing initiatives on the site THATCamp Publishing 2013 right now
Jack Dougherty edited a notepad Session Notes – Aggregating and Curating on the site THATCamp Publishing 2013 right now
Jack Dougherty wrote a new post, Workshop: Let's Make a (Book) Deal, on the site THATCamp Publishing 2013 right now
I'm willing to offer a free hands-on workshop on how to use PressBooks, an open-source tool that transforms WordPress content into publications for print and digital devices, including PDF, web-book, Mobi (for […]
Sherman Dorn and
Jack Dougherty are now friends right now
jack.dougherty edited a notepad Share ideas about PressBooks on the site THATCamp Center for History and New Media 2013 (aka THATCamp Prime) right now
jack.dougherty edited a notepad Toolkit for THATCamp Newbies on the site THATCamp Center for History and New Media 2013 (aka THATCamp Prime) right now
Judith Schwartz and
Jack Dougherty are now friends right now
Jack Dougherty wrote a new post, Hooray for Participad – how to install on our own sites?, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2013 right now
Like many THATCampers, I’m delighted to see Participad running on THATCamp.org (yay Boone & Amanda and everyone who made this happen!) Now we can create collaboratively-authored documents inside WordPress without […]
jack.dougherty edited a notepad testing the notepad here on the site THATCamp Center for History and New Media 2013 (aka THATCamp Prime) right now
Jack Dougherty commented on the post, Toolkit for THATCamp newbies, Dreambook edition, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2013 right now
Great source materials, Yvonne. While exploring DH tools and how to build, also reflect on the goal of what you’re seeking to build and why. For example, is your goal to write about and display these sources as […]
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Jack Dougherty
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