iowacity2012 wrote a new post, Last things! , on the site THATCamp Iowa City 2012 right now
Thanks to everyone for great THATCamp! Some last links:
Final report on THATCamp Iowa City
THATCamp Iowa City participant responses
Shared notes from […]
iowacity2012 wrote a new post, Session idea(s), on the site THATCamp Iowa City 2012 right now
A comment from Florence Boos:
I think I’ll be looking for sessions on digital archives, data management and software for literary sites which contain manuscript material.
iowacity2012 wrote a new post, How we describe ourselves, on the site THATCamp Iowa City 2012 right now
iowacity2012 wrote a new post, Lunches!, on the site THATCamp Iowa City 2012 right now
Hi, THATCamp Iowa City! We’re getting excited as things progress–expect an email soon with updates regarding session ideas and brainstorming. In the meantime, though, we’ve got a great venue for our Saturday […]
iowacity2012 wrote a new post, Why Iowa City? Why now?, on the site THATCamp Iowa City 2012 right now
On Wednesday, October 26, 2011, Katherine and Melody participated in the Pecha-Kucha presentations organized by the Digital Studio for the Public Humanities. This month, DSPH staff member Nikki Dudley uploaded the […]
iowacity2012 wrote a new post, The Unconference-osity of THATCamps, on the site THATCamp Iowa City 2012 right now
Came across this blog post mourning The Death of the Unconference retweeted by the THATCamp Twitter account, and it was a great reminder for us to get another post up about what THATCamps are for. The tl;dr […]
iowacity2012 wrote a new post, Mission Creek!, on the site THATCamp Iowa City 2012 right now
As if you needed another reason to spend a weekend in downtown Iowa City, the Mission Creek music festival is the same weekend as us! So we can all have fabulous discussions during the day, then head out for some […]
iowacity2012 wrote a new post, 3 Groundrules of THATCamp, on the site THATCamp Iowa City 2012 right now
Stumbled upon this video and love the introduction in the first couple of minutes. From those who have come before, we present to you the 3 ground rules of THATCamps!
The rules are written out on Tom […]
iowacity2012 wrote a new post, Announcing THATCamp Iowa City!, on the site THATCamp Iowa City 2012 right now
THATCamp Iowa City will run Friday, March 30 – Sunday, April 1, 2012. We are still in the early stages of planning, so if you would like to help plan let us know!
Registration will begin the first week of […]
active right now