hybridpedagogy2012 changed their profile picture right now
hybridpedagogy2012 changed their profile picture right now
hybridpedagogy2012 wrote a new post, Some Data from the #THATCampHP Hashtag, on the site THATCamp Hybrid Pedagogy 2012 right now
Click here for a full report on the Tweets from the #THATCampHP hashtag.
Some quick data:
823 Tweets from 94 Contributors.
448,739 Impressions.
Top Tweeters:
@allistelling: […]
hybridpedagogy2012 wrote a new post, Guidelines For Un-Conferencing, on the site THATCamp Hybrid Pedagogy 2012 right now
THATCamp un-conferences are about redesigning how scholarly and critical conversations work. If you’ve never been to a THATCamp before, here are some short reminders for un-conferencing this weekend. For a more, […]
hybridpedagogy2012 wrote a new post, THATCamp Hybrid Pedagogy, on the site THATCamp Hybrid Pedagogy 2012 right now
THATCamp Hybrid Pedagogy will be held in Portland, OR at Marylhurst University on October 20 and 21. The event is being organized by the English & Digital Humanities program and Center for Learning & Teaching at […]
active right now