hmprescott edited a notepad Open Peer Review Workshop on the site THATCamp New England 2013 right now
hmprescott wrote a new post, #THATcamp report part 1: Roy Rosenzweig Forum on Technology and Humanities, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2012 right now
x-post Knitting Clio
Hi folks,
I’m back from a busy four days at THATCamp CHNM (aka THATCamp Prime). I’ll start by discussing the fascinating presentation by Pamela Wright, Chief Digital Access Strategist at […]
hmprescott wrote a new post, More Disruptive Pedagogy: Thoughts on Teaching an Un-course, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2012 right now
The idea for this session stems from my experiences and challenges teaching a graduate public history course on the theory and practice of digital history. The first challenge I face has to do with coverage: what […]
hmprescott commented on the post, O rocks! Celebrating Bloomsday DH-Style, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2012 right now
Yes said Knitting Clio
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