Holland Hopson wrote a new post, Crash Course in Python, on the site THATCamp Alabama 2014 right now
I’d love a crash course in Python. Many of my students seem more likely to have Python skills than other programming language skills. Too bad I don’t! Time to fix this problem. Let’s hack at Python together and […]
Holland Hopson wrote a new post, Makerspaces, on the site THATCamp Alabama 2014 right now
I’d like to propose a talk session about makerspaces on our campuses and in our communities. I’m part of a group working to establish a makerspace on the UA Tuscaloosa campus. I’ll share information about our […]
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Holland Hopson commented on the post, Build It and Will They Come?, on the site THATCamp Alabama 2013 right now
Check out this article on key qualities for a school makerspace.
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Lindley Shedd are now friends right now
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sara maurice whitver are now friends right now
Rebecca Johnson and
Holland Hopson are now friends right now
Holland Hopson wrote a new post, Talk & Teach: My sometimes friend the database, on the site THATCamp Alabama 2013 right now
Databases are my friends. Every application that I use and care about has a database built into it somewhere: digital audio workstation, video editor, address book, calendar, to-do list (don’t forget online […]
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