Hilton A Cordoba wrote a new post, Story Maps, on the site THATCamp Louisiana 2017 right now
Given this year’s theme (DH tools for digital storytelling), I would like to propose a session on how maps can be used to tell a story. Specifically, I would like to discuss Esri’s “Story Map” web applica […]
Hilton A Cordoba commented on the post, Session on use of historical maps in GIS, on the site THATCamp Louisiana 2015 right now
Looking forward to this interesting session! I hope you are able to join in the “Intro to GIS” session I recently proposed.
Hilton A Cordoba wrote a new post, Intro to GIS, on the site THATCamp Louisiana 2015 right now
Dear Campers,
Given the growing integration of geography into digital humanities projects, geographic information systems (GIS) has become a particular useful tool in these scholarly endeavors. Whether used as […]
Hilton A Cordoba
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