Gabrielle Linnell wrote a new post, Proposal: Learn to Tag Borrowers & Lenders, on the site THATCamp Shakespeare 2017 right now
Proposed Breakout Session: Christy Desmet and Sujata Iyengar will introduce workshop participants to the process of encoding data and publishing Borrowers and Lenders: The Journal of Shakespeare and Appr […]
Gabrielle Linnell wrote a new post, Registration is Still Open, on the site THATCamp Shakespeare 2017 right now
Greetings, technologically-minded humanists and humanist-minded technologists! There’s still time to register for THATCamp Shakespeare at the UGA DigiLab on April 5th. The cost of registration is $15 per […]
Gabrielle Linnell wrote a new post, THATCamp Shakespeare FAQs, on the site THATCamp Shakespeare 2017 right now
Happy February, everyone. Believe it or not, we are less than 2 months away from THATCamp Shakespeare. We thought we’d answer a few questions about THATCamp Shakespeare, the expected schedule, and how to propose a […]
Gabrielle Linnell wrote a new post, Registration Open!, on the site THATCamp Shakespeare 2017 right now
Gabrielle Linnell wrote a new post, THATCamp Shakespeare 2017: Coming Soon!, on the site THATCamp Shakespeare 2017 right now
THATCamp Shakespeare 2017
Wednesday, April 5th, 2017
The University of Georgia DigiLab
Athens, GA
In 2016, the world celebrated the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s death. To commemorate the end of this “Ye […]
Gabrielle Linnell
active right now