gailschwab wrote a new post, Session Idea: pedagogical/curricular applications in digital humanities, on the site THATCamp New York 2012 right now
I am very interested in a session that would be devoted to curricular applications of DH. I would very much like to hear short presentations from all who have used DH in the classroom, or from those who have […]
gailschwab wrote a new post, wikipedia, on the site THATCamp New York 2012 right now
having to cite every sentence is a good wikipedia article and that is a good exercise.
it is a social media and it is constantly changing.85 or 95 % of the articles on Wikipedia are done by men. so there is […]
gailschwab wrote a new post, (no title), on the site THATCamp New York 2012 right now
dh commons,org
gailschwab wrote a new post, (no title), on the site THATCamp New York 2012 right now
DH Reserach assignments
middle space projectsRaymond Williams “Ideas of Nature” precis of a 200-page work.
Wiki Works–free and downloadable. each class has a Wiki. dot site.
collaboartions are part […]
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