Sarah Stanley wrote a new post, Linked Data for Beginners, on the site THATCamp Tallahassee 2019 right now
This 50-minute session will introduce newcomers to the basic principles of Linked Data. This session will serve as a report-back for Sarah Stanley’s recent trip to the Digital Resources and Methods Lab, where she […]
Sarah Stanley wrote a new post, Call for Proposals – THATCamp Tallahassee, on the site THATCamp Tallahassee 2019 right now
We are now welcoming short proposals for our THATCamp Tallahassee Unconference. Proposals should be short (less than 300 words) and should explain the topic and the format of the presentation. Common formats for […]
Sarah Stanley wrote a new post, THATCamp TLH 2019, on the site THATCamp Tallahassee 2019 right now
Florida State University is hosting a THATCamp for digital humanities practitioners in North Florida and beyond. This free event will bring together both aspiring and long-time DH-ers to engage with new tools and […]
Sarah Stanley became a registered member right now
Sarah Stanley wrote a new post, THATCamp TLH 2020, on the site THATCamp Tallahassee 2020 right now
The site for THATCamp TLH has moved to https://www.lib.fsu.edu/drs/events/thatcamp-tlh-2020. Please register and submit proposals on this site. If you have any questions, please contact Sarah Stanley at scstanley […]
Sarah Stanley
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