Haven Hawley wrote a new post, Well, That Didn’t Work.… Failure as Learning Process, on the site THATCamp Gainesville 2016 right now
Proposed Talk Session:
Is there room for failure in digital humanities? Of course! But most people don’t advertise their failures. This proposed talk session provides an opportunity for a community of fellow […]
Haven Hawley wrote a new post, Making Difficult Transitions, on the site THATCamp Gainesville 2015 right now
This session looks at how we make transitions work for us rather than becoming moments of failure in archival and digital history work. Donors and communities rarely share the same expectations of a relationship […]
Haven Hawley wrote a new post, Inclusion through Digital Media, on the site THATCamp Florida 2015 right now
If a slot is still available for the afternoon session, I’d like to propose a session on how public projects can be a forum for capturing and highlighting the texture of cultural experiences. Video documentation […]
Haven Hawley
active right now