Elizabeth Buhe
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Elizabeth Buhe wrote a new post, workshopping this now! Digital Humanities Best Practices: Engaging a Collaborator, on the site THATCamp College Art Association (CAA) 2015 right now
googledoc available here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bVwQRG1dj7Zuz0ejoTsOm1bt7AKvlw_15A79yUIWWt8/edit?usp=sharing
Elizabeth Buhe wrote a new post, MAKE Session Proposal: Digital Humanities Best Practices, on the site THATCamp College Art Association (CAA) 2015 right now
The start of a digital humanities project comes with many considerations, but what you might not think about are the legal complications that could arise later. In this session, we’ll work together to build a b […]