dawn wrote a new post, Make session: digital bibliographies, on the site THATCamp Modern Language Association Boston 2013 right now
Anyone interested in helping create an XML schema (customized TEI?) for encoding bibliographies for the web? We are working on a “black box” solution for scholars wanting to publish bibliographies to the web and […]
dawn wrote a new post, Digital Literary Studies, on the site THATCamp Modern Language Association Boston 2013 right now
What are the DH tools and methods used to study literature? How are these being used and to what end? I’d like to talk with others about the forms that digital literary studies have taken and the underlying […]
dawn wrote a new post, Topic Modeling?, on the site THATCamp Modern Language Association Boston 2013 right now
Can anyone talk about topic modeling in the humanities? I certainly cannot, but would love to hear others talk about their experiences, tools, methods, and projects involving topic modeling. Anyone?
dawn commented on the post, Omeka Neatline and spatial-temporal visualization, anyone?, on the site THATCamp Modern Language Association Boston 2013 right now
I’m in! I’d also like to see the discussion move beyond Google Maps/Earth and incorporate more flexible solutions like Mapstraction and other tools that support multiple javascript mapping solutions. And […]
dawn commented on the post, Juxta, on the site THATCamp Modern Language Association Boston 2013 right now
I’ve also been thinking about ways of using Juxta for translation — comparing translations of a work over time and following the progress of a translation as it develops.
dawn wrote a new post, Building DH Community, Competency, Capacity, on the site THATCamp Modern Language Association Boston 2013 right now
Building on bernierr1‘s proposal, Designing DH Projects, I would like to explore ways of building local community around DH to generate ideas, build competencies, and determine what infrastructure is needed to […]
dawn wrote a new post, Creating and managing dynamic online bibliographies, on the site THATCamp Philly 2011 right now
dawn wrote a new post, Small-scale and not-so-small-scale digital bibliographies, on the site THATCamp Philly 2011 right now
active right now