david.mcconeghy wrote a new post, After THATCamp is the Afterparty, on the site THATCamp American Academy of Religion 2013 right now
Please join fellow campers for drinks and dinner at 5:15 at Frank and Nics West End Grille. Continue the conversation or start new ones. Join us for a drink even if you’ve got dinner plans!
Getting there […]
david.mcconeghy commented on the post, Using the Programming Historian, on the site THATCamp American Historical Association 2013 right now
This sounds great! I can’t wait–and I’ve got some ideas that do need working out.
david.mcconeghy wrote a new post, Gaming in the Classroom, on the site THATCamp American Historical Association 2013 right now
I’m an enormous fan of games of all types–word, board, computer, sport, team-building, card, theater–but finding inventive ways to integrate them into the (history) classroom is challenging.
Background: I’m […]
david.mcconeghy commented on the post, Digital Humanities Course Design , on the site THATCamp American Historical Association 2013 right now
Perhaps this is a chance to distinguish UG/G courses, too?
I definitely like the idea of getting some advice about texts, best practices, etc.
I see plenty here to discuss!
david.mcconeghy commented on the post, Open Research Notebooks in the Humanities, on the site THATCamp American Historical Association 2013 right now
I love it, Caleb.
I’ve tried (in the smallest baby-steps) to create a public wiki for my own work. I found it hard to manage the creation of the wiki and its content while the project itself was distinct from […]
david.mcconeghy commented on the post, Classrooms and Learning Spaces for the Future, on the site THATCamp American Historical Association 2013 right now
Yes, I think this would be great!
I’ve begun to ask for wireless classrooms–to facilitate online class exercises–but I’m also interested in clicker-friendly lecture halls, using computer labs in humanities […]
david.mcconeghy wrote a new post, Twitter: Primary Source & Public Scholarship, on the site THATCamp American Historical Association 2013 right now
Twitter is the epitome of risk/reward for scholars working with contemporary materials:
Rewards? It is a living, evolving archive that captures a diverse range of perspectives on contemporary events. The […]
active right now