candy.schwartz commented on the post, GIS workshop at THATCamp MLA?, on the site THATCamp Modern Language Association Boston 2013 right now
Unfortunately I have had to withdraw from THATCamp for family health reasons.
candy.schwartz wrote a new post, Looking for fiction, on the site THATCamp Modern Language Association Boston 2013 right now
I am interested in exploring browsing for fiction in large digital collections. I have a background in library and information science, so I know about ranking algorithms, recommender systems, faceted navigation, […]
candy.schwartz commented on the post, GIS workshop at THATCamp MLA?, on the site THATCamp Modern Language Association Boston 2013 right now
I was thinking along more elementary lines for a workshop – as in, how do you work with something like QGIS.
candy.schwartz wrote a new post, GIS workshop at THATCamp MLA?, on the site THATCamp Modern Language Association Boston 2013 right now
I would love find out more about GIS, if anyone’s willing.
candy.schwartz wrote a new post, THATCamp thoughts from newbie, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2012 right now
I thoroughly enjoyed my first THATCamp. I was a bit nervous, since I am from the LIS rather than the AH community, I do not have mad coding skills, and I assumed I would be on the older side. Well, I would now […]
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