Boone Gorges wrote a new post, The Unreality of THATCamp, on the site THATCamp Retrospective right now
I attended my first THATCamp in 2009, less than a year before I quit my PhD studies. I descended on CHNM that June weekend wavering between: frustration about the hypercompetitive-hypermasculine-hypercynical world […]
Sherman Dorn and
Boone Gorges are now friends right now
Amanda French and
Boone Gorges are now friends right now
Boone Gorges wrote a new post, Maker Challenge: WordPress plugin for displaying related items from the DPLA, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2013 right now
Boone Gorges edited a notepad Toolkit for THATCamp Newbies on the site THATCamp Center for History and New Media 2013 (aka THATCamp Prime) right now
Boone Gorges edited a notepad on the site THATCamp Lehigh Valley 2013 right now
Boone Gorges wrote a new post, I propose an anti-session on Messing Around Or Maybe Building Something Kinda Neat, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2012 right now
At past THATCamps, I’ve had the most fun when I’ve ditched the official sessions (as “official” as THATCamp sessions can be) to do some organized messing around. Last year, it took the form of sitting down with a […]
Boone Gorges commented on the post, Things I'd love to discuss, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2012 right now
Cool ideas, Marta.
Did you see that one of the Friday workshops is on cool uses of Git? http://chnm2012.thatcamp.org/workshops/ Not that it would preclude a Saturday session.
What are the dangers of […]
Boone Gorges commented on the post, All Courseware Sucks, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2010 right now
Jana – This consideration was at the center of our discussion yesterday. I’m working on a blog post where our ideas will be revealed 🙂
Boone Gorges commented on the post, All Courseware Sucks, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2010 right now
On Jeremy’s last point – about moving toward individual infrastructures as opposed to institutional ones – we might think about guiding the conversation toward data standards rather than interface issues. The […]
Boone Gorges commented on the post, Dude, I Just Colleagued My Dean, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2010 right now
Cool idea, Matt. I’ll be anxious to see what comes out of this conversation. I wholeheartedly agree with the sentiment expressed in your penultimate paragraph: it’s highly likely that the “right” conventions, […]
Boone Gorges commented on the post, All Courseware Sucks, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2010 right now
I’m particularly interested in this topic as I’m mentoring a Google Summer of Code project wherein a student will be setting up a learning environment inside of BuddyPress. I have mixed feelings about it: while I […]
Boone Gorges commented on the post, HTML5, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2010 right now
Good idea. I went to a session at WordCamp Boston that focused its discussion of HTML5 around a test case (how the new WP TwentyTen theme could be HTML-ified). It ended up being a much more productive introduction […]
Boone Gorges commented on the post, THATCamp-in-a-Box, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2010 right now
My ears are burning.
One cool thing about central hosting for regional THATCamps is that it’d allow frequent attendees to develop something of a THATCamp portfolio, where all their blog posts and comments from […]
Boone Gorges wrote a new post, Applying open source methodology and economics to academia, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2010 right now
I’d like to explore the potential parallel between academic knowledge production and open-source software development. Here’s my thought: while things are economically dire for universities (the de facto centers […]
Boone Gorges commented on the post, Hacking ethics for edupunks, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2010 right now
This is a great idea for a session. There’s a pretty good chance I’ll have an iPad by the time THATCamp rolls around, but If I don’t have it hacked by then, I probably won’t bring it – don’t want to diminish my geek cred 🙂
Boone Gorges commented on the post, Digital Literacy Across the Curriculum: Is it desirable? Is it possible?, on the site THATCamp Columbus 2010 right now
While I’m taking notes here in this comments section, here’s a brief but potentially helpful articulation of “21st century literacies” from NCTE: http://www.ncte.org/positions/statements/21stcentdefinition
Boone Gorges commented on the post, Treasures of Geocities/Big Brother in MY Kindle?, on the site THATCamp Columbus 2010 right now
No problem. This piece just came through my reader, so I thought I’d post it here, as it’s directly relevant to the idea of ownership over digital items: http://techdirt.com/articles/20100110/2302157699.shtml
Boone Gorges commented on the post, Digital Literacy Across the Curriculum: Is it desirable? Is it possible?, on the site THATCamp Columbus 2010 right now
Great link, Lewis.
Jim, it’d be great to walk away with something concrete that acted a sort of action plan. The conceptual problem, though, is that it takes years to get any real plan moving in a university […]
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Boone Gorges
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